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At Royal Investment Club we connect royal families with high value entrepreneurs through a social club to foster meaningful connections and build the future together.


Create Your Legacy


Close Deals & Form Joint Ventures


Raise Capital

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Our mission

To Build A High Value Network Of Like-Minded Members Within A Private Club.

More About  Us


Private Members Meeting

Thursday April 20th, 2023 7pm – 9pm
Maze Tower

Public Members Networking

Thursday April 27th, 2023 7pm – 11pm
V Hotel

Private Members Meeting

Monday May 1st, 2023 7pm – 9pm
Maze Tower

Featured Event

RIC Members Social

7pm – 11pm




Club News

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Club purpose

To Self Improve

To Be Loyal To The Other Members

To Create Profit With Members

To Give Charitably Within Your Community


Email Us



+1 678 902 1500